
Love the Skin You're In

Posted by Invity on 15th May 2024

Love the Skin You're In

Our skin is so much more than just a barrier; it's a bridge that connects us all.

It's a canvas that reflects the narrative of our lives with its myriad textures, hues, and imperfections. It bears witness to our joys, sorrows, triumphs, and challenges, forming a common bond regardless of our origins.

Skin-to-skin contact, a universal dialect, forges bonds of love and security, essential for physical and emotional development. In a world plagued by loneliness, the healing power of touch offers solace, strength, and a reminder that we are not alone on this journey called life.

Love the skin you're in means being comfortable with who you are. It’s also about honouring every type of skin and its challenges, and recognising the incredible job this organ does daily.

From the signs of ageing to persistent acne, we embrace our skin's beauty and challenges at every stage, striving to give it the love and respect it deserves. 



  • Skin As a Tapestry of Our Lives
  • Skin As Our Defender
  • Show Your Skin Some Love
  • Severe skin conditions
  • Most common skin concerns, their causes and challenges


Invity Love the Skin you're in Mother cradling baby's foot. Pixabay


We all, instinctively, know about the healing power of touch.

It is proven scientifically to improve pain,

relieve stress and help with recovery


Skin As a Tapestry of Our Lives

Our skin tells a unique story of resilience and growth, reflecting our life's journey regardless of our background or experiences.

Image: Studio

As our ambassador to the world, it is the first thing others see, making healthy, vibrant skin desirable. We should honour every scar, wrinkle, and freckle as markers of our experiences—badges of a life fully lived.

Laugh lines show moments of joy, calluses reveal dedication, and our skin mirrors our emotions and aspirations.

Our skin connects us to our heritage, with its variations in tone and texture speaking of ancestral ties and cultural legacy, bridging our past, present, and future.



We should also honour every scar, wrinkle or freckle as a tangible marker of our experiences. They are badges of honour, signifying a life fully lived.


Skin As Our Defender

We are continually discovering the wonders of our largest organ, realising its miraculous functions:

  • As a resilient yet delicate shield, it protects us from environmental aggressors and maintains hydration with its waterproof barrier, which preserves the water that is essential for us to live
  • It is crucial in maintaining our body’s homeostasis and reflects our health and vitality
  • Melanin pigment protects us against UV radiation which causes premature ageing and skin cancer
  • Sweating and blood vessel adjustments regulate our temperature and prevent us overheating
  • The skin’s sensory receptors allow us to perceive touch, pressure, temperature, and pleasure and pain, keeping us from danger and boosting our wellbeing
  • It’s part of our immune system, defending against pathogens with specialised immune cells
  • It synthesises vital vitamin D from sunlight, and eliminates waste through sweat
  • The skin microbiome also plays a crucial role in keeping our barrier healthy

Our skin is so much more than just a barrier

It's a bridge that connects us all


Show Your Skin Some Love

Unfortunately, our skin’s not immune to challenges that we’re either born with (such as sensitivity or excessive dryness), or from issues that occur due to simply living, our lifestyle and consequences of hormonal imbalance, sun damage as well as illness.

Some sobering facts:

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) affects about 15-20% of children worldwide. Luckily, most outgrow it, so it affects only about 10% of adults. However, its physical and emotional consequences have a far-reaching effect for the sufferer as well as the whole family.

1 in 5 of us will experience contact dermatitis - redness, itching, and inflamed skin - at some point in our lives, caused by exposure to irritants or allergens.

Rosacea affects around 5-10% of us all, it’s especially common among women and fair-skinned people.

We all deserve to love the skin we’re in

Whether we’re born with it, or our skin issues arise later, we all deserve to feel comfortable in our skin. 

Conditions like acne, eczema, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and  signs of ageing can cause physical and emotional suffering. Fortunately, you don't have to endure this alone.

For severe conditions like eczema, cystic acne, sensitivity, and rosacea, seeking professional care from a dermatologist can greatly improve your quality of life. 

Advancements in treatment are ongoing, and gentle, complementary skincare can provide additional support.


Like any masterpiece, our skin requires

gentle targeted care and attention

maintain its natural beauty and resilience


Our Top Skin Concerns

Wondering which are the top skin concerns for most of us? That's right –  ageing, hyperpigmentation, dryness, redness and rosacea, open pores, and acne, and how to prevent or address these.

Remember, skin is not static, so sticking to the same skincare routine year-in-year-out won't suffice. Regularly reassess your skin's needs to keep your routine effective and maintain healthy, radiant skin.


Ageing Skin
Wrinkles, fine lines, loss of elasticity


Ageless Skin: Unlock the Secrets for Each Decade

  • Decreased production of collagen and elastin
  • Reduced skin cell turnover
  • Exposure to UV radiation
  • Hormonal changes
  • Environmental factors like pollution and smoking
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loss of elasticity and firmness
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Dullness and dryness
  • Age spots
  • Hyperpigmentation
Dark spots, melasma (butterfly mask), uneven skin tone

Hyperpigmentation: How To Prevent & Treat Dark Marks
  • Overproduction of melanin
  • Sun exposure
  • Hormonal changes (like pregnancy, oral birth control, menopause, imbalance)
  • Inflammation or injury to the skin
  • Certain medications
  • Dark patches or spots on the skin
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Freckles or age spots
  • Melasma (larger patches of pigmentation)
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) after acne or other injuries
Dry & Dehydrated Skin
Tightness, flakiness, roughness, lack of moisture

Dehydration vs. Dry Skin: Decoding the Difference
  • Poor oil production by sebaceous glands
  • Compromised skin barrier leading to water loss
  • Caused by cold weather and low humidity, using harsh soaps and cleansers, and hot baths
  • Certain medications
  • Tightness and roughness
  • Flaking and scaling
  • Itching and irritation
  • Increased susceptibility to fine lines and wrinkles
  • Cracks and fissures, leading to potential infections
Facial redness, visible blood vessels, occasional breakouts


Redness & Rosacea: Calming Strategies

  • Genetics
  • Blood vessel abnormalities
  • Triggers like sunlight, heat, wind, and spicy foods
  • Excessive microscopic demodex mites on the skin
  • Persistent facial redness
  • Flushing and blushing
  • Visible blood vessels
  • Acne-like breakouts
  • Sensitivity and burning or stinging sensations
Open Pores
Enlarged, visible pores on oilier areas of the face


Enlarged Pores: Your Guide to Smooth, Clear Skin

  • Genetics
  • Excess sebum production
  • Loss of skin elasticity as we age
  • Enlarged, visible pores
  • Coarsened skin
  • Prone to clogging
  • Contributes to an uneven skin texture and appearance
Acne & Blemishes
Blemishes, inflammation, clogged pores, scarring, dark spots


Adult acne and blemishes: Understand the causes

Acne & Blemishes: Do’s and Don’ts for Acne-Free Skin

  • Excess oil production
  • Clogged hair follicles
  • Bacteria (P. acnes) inflammation
  • Hormonal changes (especially during puberty, menstruation, menopause or pregnancy)
  • Whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples
  • Inflammatory cysts
  • Redness and swelling
  • Scarring (especially with severe acne)
  • Emotional distress and self-esteem issues


Here’s to a healthy and brilliant future for you and your skin!